Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Workout Diary: Day 3-4

Soooo...sorry :( i totally didn't get a chance to post my day 3 on day 3, so i figured i'd jus post it now with my day 4. so here goes!

Day 3-

Before Workout: I was pretty pumped, ready to get started. (until i actually feel the pain of workout out lol then it's not so fun) But i was ready!! Turns out bruce needed to cook chicken for after his workout and we couldn't leave the oven on while we were both gone so i offered to stay home and do zumba, while he went to the gym.

During Workout: Zumba has always been a fave of mine so i did the 'flat abs' one since the other one is an hour long :/ . A few minutes in and I realized that doing it at home so soon into my 'starting to workout routine' wasn't good for me. I had a hard time focusing and really pushing myself since my couch (that i spend 15 hrs of my day on) was right beside me. But i finished and it was hard, I was tired but at least I got it done.

After Workout: I felt pretty good, and actually craved a salad! I was so tired for bed at my usual 2am bedtime, it was awesome.

Day 4-

Before Workout: Ima be honest with ya'lls, this day is kinda  a blur. Not really sure why but i can't remember it at all lol. I asked bruce and he said we worked out at the gym but he doesn't know how i was 'feeling' before working out so I can't really tell you guys.

During Workout: I remember we both did cardio and I vlogged so it went pretty good! I started to switch machines and do 15mins, which I burn about 100 cals on, on the Eliptical. Then I switched over to the bikey-machine thing. (idk wat it's called) I ended my workout on there after a total of 30 mins and burned a total of 275 cals!! yayyy!

After Workout: I'm sure I ate food lol like I said for some reason my mind blocked out this day. But bruce and I did watch allshamnowow's yt videos! i know that much lol

DISCLAIMER: So many errors that I didn't even care to re-read this cause I woulda been ashamed :/ my english class today took it all out of me so i am exercising my right to spelling incorrectly