Sunday, June 9, 2013

Workout Diary: Day 2

Day 2

Before Workout: So totally didn't feel like working out. My mind started making excuses that, if i do say so myself, were pretty brilliant. Very well thought out, but still excuses lol. Today's were different than yesterday's. "I'll skip one day: today. I'm not even fat, I don't need to workout. I should do a day on then a day off, so today's a day off. I don't want to deprive myself." [side note: i have also started eating healthier, no more pizza's with a side of chips for lunch and dinner anymore!] But I craved and  i mean CRAVED soft pretzels. I broke down and made half a recipe of them (8 pretzels) and ate 2 before dragging myself to the gym with bruce. Luckily I have bruce to help me drag my butt there. He said he has days where he doesn't wanna workout too but you can't treat it like an option. It should be as automatic as getting a flu shot, you may not wanna but you have no choice.

During Workout: I felt pretty good starting out. It's weird how i felt, already, that my stamina was going up. I went about 10 minutes before feeling like I was gunna fall over lol. I'm extremely competitive so since bruce did cardio next to me this night, I worked even harder to try and beat his calorie count. I did not lol he beat me by 50 but next time I will have victory! (probably not lol) I burned 245 which is a huge improvement from yesterday! yippieeee. In the middle of my workout I started to lose feeling in my arms and legs lol walking afterwards hurt so bad

After Workout: Felt tired and boy did those pretzels come bak to haunt me. I had eaten them before my workout and omg bad idea. Do you know what happens when you eat salty foods then drink a full bottle of water? You look and feel like your expecting triplets. Next time I'm eating fruit before I workout. But I felt accomplished and watched tv as a reward :)

DISCLAIMER: They have spell check on here? Eh you get the point. They don't have grammer check... what's a girl to do? o and lol means laughing out loud or laughs out loud? idk i guess you just gotta know the context :p