Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Workout Diary: Day 12 RESULTS!

So after the breakdown of the night before I actually had a more positive attitude towards working out. So obviously this is written a day later so it's technically past tense but forgive my mistakes with my 'tense' forms
on the bikey thing :P


Before Workout: Bruce wasn't sure if i'd even be going with him to the gym after the night before but I was gung ho! (are those even words? lol) I've gotten into a pretty good habit of drinking a smoothie before my workout so I'm all hydrated up so I think that put me in a good mood too! I put the past behind me and switched out my workout clothes to something a bit tighter. Idk why but wearing tighter clothing rather than really baggy clothing made me feel better cause I could see my stomach better without the added bulk of the old gym clothes. The tight shorts also made my butt look better than those swishy shorts I used to wear. And OMG i was soooo excited (and it definitely made my workout even better) when I finally saw a result! Yes..a result..singular...but still a result! Idk exactly how to explain it cause its kinda weird to say but umm... i saw a lifting of my butt. Yup, i saw and could feel it getting tighter and "rising" idk what I'm trying to say lol but it made me happy :)

During Workout: So we went and there was this couple that were there working out. The one guy was doing weight things and the girl was doing weights and cardio off and on. They actually helped me with my work out cause i didn't want to make a fool out of myself or go embarrassingly slow so I went hard on the elliptical and burned sooo many more calories than the night before. After last night's internet searching I found out that you should increase an elipitcal's resistance not try and go faster on a lighter resistance. Poor bruce had to wait about 15 minutes to use the weights cause they were at them so i ended up having that extra 15 added onto my usual 30 minutes that we do. Fine by me, since I had something to prove to myself. Plus all I could think about was my butt and how i wanted to see more changes :)

After Workout: Felt AMAZING. I proved to myself that I could do it and also felt good that I kinda kept up with the couple in the gym (those people were FIT!) I told myself not to slow down when they were there and I didn't!

DISCLAIMER: My use of "gung ho" should tell you right there what my attitude towards writing is :p