Before Workout: I"m going to group these together since they were pretty much the same. I have been continuing to eat healthy and eat smoothies before my workouts etc and it has definitely been paying off. Plus I had motivation since these were the last couple days before Bruce's mom and brother were here so I wanted to be in shape. It wasn't too hard to get myself to the gym or to keep working out since I had that to focus on.
During Workout: I upped my resistance on the elliptical. Yup..not much happened during these two days lol. Just the normal stuff. Not too bad, not too good.
After Workout: I've been trying to eat some fruit and not too many carbs after I workout so I had mandarin oranges or pears after my workout. Also, since I don't think I ever mentioned it, I've been stretching every night afterwards. I used to be soooo flexible when I was a cheerleader but I lost it all when I stopped cheering. So every night I do the stretches I used to do back in high school and am actually keeping my flexibility up by diligently doing them. YAY! I miss being able to do a split so maybe soon I will be able to!
DISCLAIMER: shud this be in all caps or does it feel like I'm shouting "disclaimer" at u?